The military presence in West Papua is almost always accompanied by
human rights violations such as killings, arbitrary arrests, rape and
© Survival International
Papuan leaders have voiced their concern at plans for more than a
thousand Indonesian soldiers to build 1,500 km of new roads in the next
two years to accelerate ‘development’ inWest Papua.
The government claims that unrest in the region is caused by a lack of
‘development’, while Papuans blame their problems on the violation of
their political and human rights. Survival International and many
Papuans fear that the influx of soldiers will bring neither development
nor peace to the region.
One Papuan leader, Rev Socratez Yoman, told Survival, ‘The West Papuans
do not need big roads, but a better life on their own land, without
intimidation, terror, abuses and killings’.
Another leader, Markus Haluk, warned that the roads would open up the
forests to illegal logging, much of it likely to be at the hands of the
The military presence in West Papua is almost always accompanied by
human rights violations such as killings, arbitrary arrests, rape and
So-called ‘development’ has
already inflicted enormous damage to the Papuan people. Despite the
presence of the world’s biggest gold mine, West Papua remains the
poorest region in Indonesia with an HIV/AIDS rate thought to be 20 times higher than the rest of the country. Many of the cases of HIV/AIDS can
be traced back to the commercial sex industry, which has accompanied
the arrival of migrant workers in the fishing, logging and mining
Many Papuans believe that the military have a vested interest in introducing HIV/AIDS in
West Papua and see it as an attempt at ethnic cleansing. In some areas
the military have supplied alcohol and prostitutes to bribe tribal
leaders in order to gain access to their land and its resources. The
disease is devastating some tribes. Rates are especially high in areas
where so-called ‘development’ has already taken place, such as close to
the US- and British-owned Grasberg mine.
Survival International is calling on the government of Indonesia to end
human rights violations in West Papua and to enter into meaningful talks
with the Papuan people so they are able to decide their own way of
life, their own development priorities and their own future.
For more information about the impact of imposing ‘development’ on tribal people see Survival’s campaign Progress Can Kill.
Posted at 20:58 on 22 April, 2013 UTC
Six members of the pro-independence West Papua National Committee, or
KNPB, from Timika in the Indonesian region, have been jailed for one
They were sentenced on charges of carrying dangerous weapons and for
treason, but their lawyers asserted the six were non violent activists
and that no case had been proven against them.
They say they will lodge appeals against the sentence.
West Papuan media reporting on the trial have described the court decisions as farcical.
The six were arrested in October last year amid a crack down on KNPB activists by Indonesia’s counter-terror unit Detachment 88.
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